French Farms, LLC. Augusta County, VA
Hard Work is Hard Work
For David French, turkey farming comes down to two things — hard work and family. “It takes hard work from everybody,” said David. “I chose to be a turkey farmer because it’s rewarding to see these birds get bigger and feed America.”
The French family are start-up farmers. A native of New Hampshire, David met his wife, Erin, while at school in South Carolina. As their family grew, David and Erin wanted to raise their family in a place where they could instill character and hard work.
Passing down ethical farming
David finds honor in raising turkeys without growth-promoting antibiotics, added hormones or steroids.
Joining a thriving poultry community
Shenandoah Valley has a rich turkey farming history. David actually discovered turkey farming after helping out a friend in the area. He brought the idea home to Erin, who thought he wanted a little shed with some turkeys. “Then David said, um, more like…fifty thousand” says Erin.
The farm grew quickly driven by hard work, a commitment to family and a love for the animals. Future plans include the addition of two new turkey houses which won’t be easy, but after all, a strong work ethic is part of what drove David to enter this demanding profession and lifestyle.
The “family” in family farming
When asked about finding time for family, David says, “One of the reasons I wanted to work in poultry…I didn’t have enough time with Erin or my kids, so I wanted more of a farm life,” says David. “Yes, still hard work, still crazy hours…but I can come home at lunchtime, at dinnertime. I’m here for my meals. I see my kids go to bed every night.”
Erin agrees. “It’s cool to be a part of something bigger than ourselves…while passing down the values to our kids that we want them to learn.”
*Turkeys raised with no added Hormones or Steroids. Federal regulations prohibit the use of Hormones or Steroids in poultry. Antibiotics responsibly used only when needed for treatment or prevention of illness.